Sounds of Pannonia

The successful concert  was held in the Bartók hall, Szombathely, 22 September 2019 

Janus Pannonius: Threnos, de morte Barbarae matris – performed by Tamás Jordán

Alberto Roque Santana: Oratorio for Janus Pannonius’ poem – peformed by

Savaria Symphony Orchestra, Szombathely

Mecsek Choir, Pécs

Zoltán Mizsei – bariton,

conducted by Sándor Balatoni


Bartók Universe – Music Improvisations – performed by

Károly Binder – piano,

Mihály Borbély – saxophone

Zsuzsanna Takács – mezzo-soprano,

László Farkas Keönch – tenor,

Zoltán Mizsei – bariton,

György Philipp – bariton,

Elemér Balázs Jr. – piano,

More info:

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Sounds of Pannonia

The successful concert  was held in the Bartók hall, Szombathely, 22 September 2019  Janus Pannonius: Threnos, de morte Barbarae matris – performed by Tamás Jordán Alberto Roque Santana: Oratorio

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