Category: News

International Winter School

24- 28 February, 2025, Kőszeg, Chernel street 14 Bridging the Paradigm Shift: Governance, Technology, Ecology, and Society The 7th UNESCO MOST Winter School offers a

Western- Balkan strategies

One of the topics of the 29th International Summer University was the EU enlargement EU Integration in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans: Is there

Winter School

The increasing complexity of global politics speeds up social transformations around the world. The tension between rapid changes and established beliefs and norms among citizens

Sounds of Pannonia

The successful concert  was held in the Bartók hall, Szombathely, 22 September 2019  Janus Pannonius: Threnos, de morte Barbarae matris – performed by Tamás Jordán Alberto Roque Santana: Oratorio

Central Europe 2020

Central Europe 2020 and Beyond – Reflections on the Book by Emil Brix and Erhard Busek ”Central Europe Revisited” One of the major research projects