We are pleased to invite you to the 4th International Balkans, Anatolia, Caucasia, and Turkistan Geography Art, Culture, History, and Folklore Congress/Art Events, organized under the leadership of Turkey’s Aydın Adnan Menderes University Turkish Art and Culture Application and Research Center Directorate and hosted by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, Hungary.

This prestigious event will take place on 24-25 September  2024 at the Institute’s headquarters in Kőszeg, Hungary Chernel str. 16.

Universities and organizations from 13 countries, including Hungary and Turkey, are co-organizing this congress. Esteemed scientists from North Macedonia, Greece, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Albania, and many other countries will deliver insightful presentations.

see the programme:

További bejegyzések

Nemzetközi Téli Egyetem Kőszegen

2025. február 24- 28. Kőszeg, Chernel u. 14. Bridging the Paradigm Shift: Governance, Technology, Ecology, and Society The 7th UNESCO MOST Winter School offers a

The 10th International Kraft conference

The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and ISES Foundation organise the 10th International Kraft conference between 2-4 December 2024. This three-day event will focus